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I spent five precious minutes that I should have spent studying for my surgery exam tomorrow registering a domain instead.

Anyway, don't waste your time visiting

"So Gem, how's your anesthesia rotation going?"

Well, today I watched another anesthesiologist put my preceptor into a headlock. The two started wrestling, and then appeared to progress to a tickle fight.

Doc I'm working with just shouted out "Argh! I hate progressives!" My head whipped around.

Turns out he was talking about his glasses.

gem boosted

twitter: your mastodon server admin reads every DM you send. they actually read them and assign a score

mastodon admins who roll their own: sorry everyone images aren't going to work for the next sixty-ninety years. what's a DM

99% of mastodon admins who are just normies who pay for shared hosting: we can't read dms. we can't even choose when to update. we can't even turn the lights off in this room

lead mastodon dev: actually they're "mentioned people only posts," hope this helps. Cheers!

I feel that the fact that my evening plans are "study surgery on UWorld" and not "play Elden Ring until I fall asleep" makes me the greatest hero in the world.

It's the only Twitter search you'll ever need!

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Mispronunciations aside, the anesthesia rotation is going well so far.

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Yes, thirty-eight years. I was interested in sedative-hypnotics even as a neonate.

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How have I gone thirty-eight years pronouncing spelling and pronouncing this wrong?

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I was today years old when I realized the word is "barbiturate" and not "barbituate".

Hm, maybe now that I'm on my anesthesia rotation I might actually find some time to watch that Star War that everyone likes. You know, the prequel to that one prequel that was good.

Man, Rogue One was a mess but I loved every minute of it.

Now that more folks I follow on Twitter are making there way over here, I wish I had a better way to find them!

The Bedford Competition's anthology prizewinning and shortlisted stories (including my short story, Passepartout, which took first prize) is now available to order from Ostrich Books! All proceeds go to educational charities in the UK.

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Always excited for a new Mountain Goats album, but this new song has me even more pumped than usual

gem boosted

important to keep in mind that if anyone is losing obscene amounts of money on NFTs/crypto right now, it's very funny. it's hilarious. thanks

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Ramshackle Town

Ramshackle Town is a friendly little Hometown server. It's nice here, if a little run-down.

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